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webdeveloper tips

As I have worked quite a lot with html, php and javascript, I encountered some issues and also solutions, when it comes to webdeveloping, testing and Firefox.

Of course Firefox is the best Browser for testing dynamic websites, since there are much add-ons to assist your work. Do not forget to test your webapplication in Internet Explorer, Chromium, Opera and Safari on a regular basis, too.

Following: Some tips for Firefox.

Firefox caching bug

there is a bug (or maybe they even call it a "feature") in Firefox, preventing the user from cleaning the cache. You reload and reload your php or html page (maybe even installed some "cache cleansing" addons or buttons), but javascript, css and html stays the same, although you have changed it!

This bug has a long history. If you are interested, read the report in Mozillas Bugtracker and get an idea about what is happening there.

All I can say to you is: rename, delete or move the file you are testing, reload until you get an 404 (file not found exception) and put the file back on its place. Reload. Firefox should show the edited file now. Closing Firefox and restart it (do not save your tabs!) works sometimes, too.

DOM, Javascript Testing

Firefox has an Error Console, located under "Extras"->"Error Console" in the menu (or for the shortcut folks: "ctrl+shift+J"). Use it for your javascript debugging needs.

If you need a more powerfull testingtool, Firebug is essential for testing your DOM and Javascript or to get to know the DOM of other websites/webapplications you have not made. Firebug can do quite a lot. Feel free to discover it's possibilitys.


HTML Validation

I tried quite a lot of tools and add-ons for HTML (xhtml) Validation. The best one is definitly the HTML Validator Addon written by Marc Gueury. It parses your html with tidy and SMGL Parser or only one of them and is also capable of showing you accessibility faults, what is really important to develop websites which can be read by the disabled.


General Testing needs

Generally you have to test your application for different screensizes, you want to delete cookies while testing, disable Javascript, fill forms automatically etc. pp.

These things and much, much more can be done with the Web Developer Toolbar. I use it for some specific needs only, but you are good to explore its possibilitys for yourself.


That said, have fun developing webapplications. Do not make it a pain for yourself. Use Firefox-Addons!

Tim Wahrendorff

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