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wireless keyboard mm keys mouse issues

I recently bought a Microsoft Arc keyboard to work with my ubuntu 10.10 maverick system and I am very happy with it.

Only one problem occured: When I hit one of the multimedia keys on it (Volume up, down or mute) my left mouse button stopped working. It seems like pressing a multimedia key is forcing a pushed down left mousebutton until you restart the x-server.

Really annoying, but the ubuntu guys have a fix for ubuntu maverick 10.10 in launchpads bugtracker already.

Install this Package for 32bit systems or this one for 64bit systems and reboot your system.

The annoying keyboard/mouse issue is gone.


Should work for ubuntu lucid 10.04 and other keyboards with multimedia Keys (Microsoft, HP, A4Tech) which suffer from this issue, too.

Tim Wahrendorff

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