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change nautilus side pane colour

[UPDATE 18.01.2011]
Finally somebody had the same problem like me and came up with a better solution. The problem with what I wrote: Changes get lost on nautilus updates.

To get the "real deal", stick to Joeys How-To at OMG! ubuntu. Thanks for reading.


to change the side pane colour in nautilus, open the gtkrc file for your theme


sudo gedit /usr/share/Ambiance/gtk-2.0/gtkrc

and add

style "treeview-mod"
    GtkTreeView::even_row_color   = "#F2F1F0"
widget "*NautilusNavigationWindow*" style "treeview-mod"

only issue: when switching the view to treeview, the background changes, too. But thats not so bad as you mostly use treeview when the folder is full, so that you never see the background in treeview anyway.

I did this with nautilus elementary mod, so I do not know if it fully works with the standard nautilus. 

Take a look at these threads at ubuntuforums to get your own clues:

have fun customizing your nautilus. If not, just stick to the standard themes. ;)
Tim Wahrendorff

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