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Dell Latitude E5400 to E6500 Microphone issue

My integrated microphone did not work after installing ubuntu maverick 10.10. What a shame. I found a quick and easy solution though.

This article is a completely copied post from lidex, a user at the ubuntuforums. The Original Post can be found here.

This solution should work for integrated microphone issues with Dell Latitude E5410, E5510, E6410 and E6510.

Register with the ubuntuforums and thank lidex for this, I just found, copy and paste this:

Using a Terminal="Applications->Accessories->Terminal"
Open this file for editing:
 gksudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf
Insert this line at the bottom:
 options snd-hda-intel model=dell-s14
Save. Close. Reboot. Check your levels in alsamixer.
Press <F6> to select the correct soundcard.
Press <F3> to show playback levels. <F4> selects capture levels [or use <Tab>]
Use the left/right arrow keys to select and up/down arrow keys to change levels. <M> to mute/unmute.
Go to "System ->Preferences ->Sound" and make sure the correct soundcard is default and adjust your profile on the hardware tab.

Now if that doesn't work, upgrade your alsa install using the alsa-upgrade link in my sig.

Tim Wahrendorff

< Linux: xampp in beliebigem Ordner installieren   get rid of notifications in ubuntu >

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